per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

I numeri sono ancora piccoli ma gli indicatori Inglesi sono tornati ad andare tutti nella direzione sbagliata: casi, ospedalizzazioni e pure i decessi.1/2

Laddove i casi ricominciano a salire è per via della variante Indiana. Il 73% della popolazione è vaccinato con una dose; il 46% con due. La corsa si fa più serrata. Il vaccino ci sta dando sicuramente la mano più grande nella sfida contro il virus ma non è ancora finita. 2/2

@giorgiogilestro | Giorgio Gilestro | 27.05.2021

I miei avevano un’azienda che produceva ricambi per biciclette e motorini: dove bastava una cucitura ne facevano due, dove bastava quel cavetto lì ne usavano uno più grosso perché “manca solo che qualcuno si fa male per colpa nostra”. Ecco cosa imparai sulla responsabilità.

@soulista | Fabrizio | 27.05.2021

Se l’Italia si rimette in moto, la cosa migliore da fare è scansarsi.

@andcapocci | Andrea Capocci | 26.05.2021

“In the last three decades, six researchers have authored 303 of the 375 papers retracted in perioperative medicine.”

@RetractionWatch | Retraction Watch | 21-05.2021

More than 90% of the world’s plastic pollution and waste comes from just 100 companies. Wonder what would happen if we all boycotted all products from these companies until they cease plastics-making....

@Laurie_Garrett | Laurie Garrett | 20.05.2021

There may be sound epidemiological arguments for tighter travel restrictions in parts of the world. Though, I personally don’t support border closures as I don’t believe they are effective to achieve #COVID19 endemicity through vaccination, which is my objective, personally. 1/

That said, I feel uncomfortable with the widespread unpleasant language used to call for tighter borders. ‘Leaky borders’ not protecting ‘our shores’ from ‘a flood’ of ‘foreign variants’ brought by ‘human bodies’ and whatnot ... This all sounds ideologically dark to me. 2/

There is no such thing as compassionate chauvinism, kind jingoism, or gentle xenophobia, even during a pandemic. Language matters, and normalisation of dehumanising arguments will have long-term consequences, well beyond the pandemic. 3/

I also would like to see more understanding for those who have to travel. Some try to get reunited with their partner, children, family. Some may wish to meet with a dying friend or relative, or have to attend a funeral. Others need to travel for essential work. 4/

I would welcome if future arguments about travel restrictions were framed in a less prejudiced manner, and with some empathy for those who have to travel, particularly so, when championed by those who consider themselves as liberal and compassionate. 5/

The best leaders are not the ones who never changed their mind; the best leaders are the ones who adapt to new information and always act with integrity for the benefit of others.

@DrMCecconi | Maurizio Cecconi | 19.05.2021

In UK i casi di variante indiana sono aumentati del 28% in 2 giorni e il governo è preoccupato. Noi siamo tranquilli, perché il “Consorzio per la genotipizzazione e la fenotipizzazione di SARS-CoV-2” creato a gennaio sta sorvegliando le varianti, giusto?

@andcapocci | Andrea Capocci | 19.05.2021

I deprescribe fish oil like crazy. #EatFishNotFishPills

@DrJohnM | John Mandrola | 16.05.2021

Comunque se state cercando lavoro, direi che il fotografo di vaccinati potrebbe essere una grande opportunità.

@ferrazza | Federico Ferrazza | 15.05.2021

Rich country problems:

– Vaccinate kids or not?

– Take Astra-Zeneca or not?

– Continue to mask or not? – Travel again or not?

Rest of the world:

– Will we survive or not?

– When will we see any vaccines?

– Do our own leaders care?

– Does the world care?

@paimadhu | Madhu Pai | 14.05.2021

I can’t spend 3 hours in paperwork for a 1 hour talk. Please just ask me for COI and consent to record by email and use it.

@Oncology_bg | Bishal Gyawali | 12.05.2021

Less than 10% of people in India have had one dose of vaccine. Although the number of people who have received 1 dose of vaccine is not that much lower than the US, the sheer population size of India makes the task much harder. It is why India needs help with vaccine supplies.

@VincentRK | Vincent Rajkumar | 10.05.2021

“Il pensare si nutre di silenzio perché è un parlare a se stessi”. #breviario @CardRavasi @sole24ore

@Varaldor | Riccardo Varaldo | 9.05.2021

Countering the pandemic in India will need leadership and serious investment, and cooperation from nations and major donors across the world. Will the USA, EU, UK, China, Russia, and others rise in solidarity to this task, and soon?

@Richard56 | Richard Smith | 8.05.2021

In a significant step, the WHO and an international regulatory group are urging drug makers to publish clinical study reports for new medicines and vaccines without redacting any confidential information.

@statnews | Stat News | 7.05.2021

It’s strange to see people who last year were unhappy about politicians naming viruses after countries now happily naming variants after countries.

@AdamJKucharski | Adam Kucharski | 5.05.2021

Context is important. The risk of complications from dexamethasone, tociluzimab, fentanyl, propofol, rocuronium, invasive mechanical ventilation and proning are likely much higher than the risk of any complication from a life-protecting vaccine such as AZ

@drmwarner | Michael Warner | 4.05.2021

A Roma (e non solo) covid-19 si nutre delle disuguaglianze sociali.

@AntonioAddis2 | Antonio Addis | 4.05.2021

Tra le poche cose belle stasera: Ebrima #Darboe che fa il suo esordio stasera in serie A La sua storia inizia in Gambia, passa per i campi in Libia, il salvataggio in mare da parte della Guardia costiera, l’accoglienza in uno Sprar a Rieti

@EleonoraCamilli | Eleonora Camilli | 2.05.2021

I’m back home after a few weeks WHO deployment in a Covid ICU in Nairobi, Kenya. Of the many inequalities in this world, those related to basic healthcare are the most sorrowful to witness. The pandemic has exposed all of them.

@marco_vergano | Marco Vergano | 2.05.2021

Ieri sera mi ha consegnato la cena a casa un signore sui 55 anni. Probabilmente avrà perso il suo lavoro e avrà dovuto fare il Rider per continuare a campare. Mi si è stretto il cuore perché aveva una gentilezza e dignità che mai avevo visto prima e perché immagino la fatica.

@stavofacendo | Marta | 1.05.2021