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Le submission di articoli scientifici hanno aspetti sempre + kafkiani... Ormai la procedura è: sottoponi l’articolo, l’editor lo restituisce perché manca qualche adempimento formale, sottoponi la versione modificata e tempo poche ore l’articolo viene rifiutato. Dirlo subito no?

@AntonioClavenna | Antonio Clavenna | 27.07.2021

nel frattempo in Africa

@WRicciardi | Walter Ricciardi | 26.07.2021

What if UFOs are just billionaires from other planets?

@johnlundin | John Lundin | 26.07.2021

Dopo gli errori di comunicazione e gestione di AstraZeneca, ora abbiamo convinto tanta gente a vaccinarsi per poter andare al ristorante. Secondo me si poteva fare meglio. Un’occasione persa

@paolochiodini | Paolo Chiodini | 25.07.2021

Il minimo teorico per capire cosa ci aspetta

@paologiordano | Paolo Giordano | 25.07.2021

If a car is repaired after a collision, it will have a higher risk of mechanical failure afterwards. ‘Long-accident’ issues are far more likely to arise if the car suffered severe damage rather than just a minor dent. The same is expected to be generally true for viral infection.

@ballouxfrancois | Francois Balloux | 23.07.2021

Trying to find the epidemiology textbook that says that every single form of study design is invalid and unethical, except for the use of fear-inducing floating numerators. Anyone any ideas which one it is?

@mendel_random | George Davey Smith | 23.07.2021

Even if COVID wasn’t around, decent ventilation is a very good idea

@AdamJKucharski | Adam Kucharski | 19.07.2021

I have lived in England for nineteen and a half years and I really think the defining attitude of this country is that they’ve internalised the idea that “it could be worse” so deeply that they’ve completely lost the ability to imagine that it could also be better

@aaprocter | Alice A. Procter | 17.07.2021

Whither peer review…submitted a manuscript to ‘good’ journal 2 mos ago; inquired about its status and was told assigned editor is now not available & they will find new editor & send it out for review. This is one reason why we preprint…so we can get comments in the meantime.

@hmkyale | Harlan Krumholz | 16.07.2021

Misinformation practical guide: - read the tweet/article/thread A- if aligned with your preconceived views & opinions = absolute truth B- if not = absolute wrong. You’re welcome.

@chadinabham | Chadi Nabham | 16.07.21

Non mi sorprende più il complottismo, e nemmeno l’egoismo di chi sceglie di non vaccinarsi e ti spiega pure come stare al mondo. Mi affascinano le fonti: “Gli scienziati che sento io la pensano come me!”. “Chi sono?”. Scena muta. Annamo bene

@paolomaggioni | Paolo Maggioni | 15.07.2021

The #COVID19 #vaccine corruption scandal in #Brazil goes right to the top of government. As things stand now, the recently released #Lula will be President in 2022 & #JairBolsonaro will take his place in jail.

@Laurie_Garrett | Laurie Garrett | 14.07.2021

“No vax No party” policy recently taken on by some governments can only be endorsed.

@DrMCecconi | Maurizio Cecconi | 13.07.2021

Is remote home monitoring for Covid safe and effective for avoiding hospitalization? A systematic review of 27 studies leaves this question unanswered.

@EricTopol | Eric Topol | 14.07.2021

BCG for TB is a century-old vaccine We have seen more innovation & investment in 1 year for Covid-19 than we have seen in a century with TB

@paimadhu | Madhu Pai | 14.07.2021

The important COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness metric is: how well does it prevent *severe disease*? With a respiratory virus, severe disease is what matters. Severe disease = pneumonia & acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which is why and how COVID-19 kills.

@awgaffney | Adam W. Gaffney | 9.07.2021

Shocking but not surprising? In “778 CAR-related trials, 10 (1%) were randomized clinical trials that compared CAR therapies with non-CAR therapies. 28 trials (4%) sought to optimize the efficacy, safety, or postrelapse outcomes with existing CAR therapies”

@cpiller | Charles Piller | 8.07.2021

Randomized trials of complex interventions: possible, valuable, not to be discarded because we “expertly combined various sources of information and gave our best judgement”.

@IoanaA_Cristea | Ioana Cristea | 8.07.2021

Quite right. Too many assumptions are being made about effectiveness of interventions in this pandemic. Too much settling for “we think it works”. Let’s not abandon evidence; it does matter, not least because it’s possible that those £ billions could be better spent elsewhere.

@OutbreakJake | Jake Dunning | 8.07.2021

Low-carb, high-fat diets—including the popular “ketogenic” diet—may not be any more effective at keeping obesity at bay than those that balance calorie intake with energy expenditure, a recent #SciencePerspective suggests.

@ScienceMagazine | Science Magazine | 3.07.2021

Interesting study on long-COVID in Swiss children (6-16) with mild infection, with a twist. The children were randomly selected. Key result: “Seropositive children did NOT report long-COVID more frequently than seronegative children.”

@BallouxFrancois | Francois Balloux | 1.07.2021