COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy

Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip1, Viroj Wiwanitkit2

1Private Academic Consultant, Bangkok, Thailand; 2Honorary professor, Dr DY Patil University, Pune, India.

Received on 21 April 2021.

Dear Editor, we would like to share ideas on the publication “Addressing the vaccination hesitancy: communication, behavior and literature”1. Galletti noted that «the specific information to be delivered in the fight against vaccination hesitancy is embedded within the general process of scientific communication, which brings complex issues into common terms»1. We agree that vaccine hesitancy is an important problem at present. When a new covid-19 vaccine is available and rapidly introduced for general use, questions are raised. When there e is a report on adverse effect, the panic among local people might occur. The preparation of any documents should be updated and the transparency is very important. In many settings, transparency of vaccine availability is also a possible cause of local vaccine hesitancy2. Finally, it should have a way for generalize correct updated data via social network. At present, online document can be easily spread and might link to vaccine hesitancy3.

Conflict of interests: the authors have no conflict of interests to declare.


1. Galletti G. Addressing the vaccination hesitancy: communication, behavior and literature. Recenti Prog Med 2021; 112: 239-42.

2. Wiwanitkit V. Overwhelmed health systems, COVID-19, transparency and human rights - multiple issues to deal with in containment of the outbreak. Available online at:

3. Kalichman SC, Eaton LA, Earnshaw VA, Brousseau N. Faster than warp speed: early attention to COVD-19 by anti-vaccine groups on Facebook. J Public Health 2021; fdab093.