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A dieci anni dalla morte di Alessandro Liberati, ricordiamo i principi che hanno guidato l’azione del medico e ricercatore, fondatore del centro italiano della @cochranecollab

@Associali | Associazione Alessandro Liberati | 23.02.2022

Napoli: banditi 50 posti da medico d’urgenza. Sono arrivate 40 domande. Allo scritto si sono presentati in 7, uno solo dei quali già specializzato. «Durante il concorso – spiega una fonte dell’Asl – i medici hanno magari avuto delle offerte dalla sanità privata».

@andcapocci | Andrea Capocci | 21.02.2022

If COVID immunity can wane, what will happen after large epidemics peak? Some thoughts on post-epidemic ‘honeymoon periods’... 1/ 

As immunity accumulates in a population (specifically immunity that protects against becoming infected/infectious), R will decrease. When R drops below 1, the epidemic peaks and starts to decline. But what might happen next? 2/ 

When R drops below 1, the epidemic doesn’t magically end - it will continue to cause infections (and hence immunity) as it declines, meaning that the epidemic ‘overshoots’ the level of immunity required to get R below 1, potentially by quite a lot. 3/ 

So we can end up in a situation where R drops considerably below 1 as the epidemic continues to decline. End of story, right? Not quite... 4/ 

We know protection against infection can wane quickly for Omicron, e.g. below for immunity against symptomatic infection following vaccination (from:…) 5/

We also see evidence of some drop-off (although not as sharply) in protection against hospitalisation over time: 6/

But if R has dropped considerably below 1 during an epidemic, it will take some time for susceptibility to build up to sufficient levels to see a resurgence. Can therefore see a ‘honeymoon period’ where infection remains at lower levels for a while first. Here’s a cartoon: 7/

We can also see the honey period happen after the introduction of vaccination. The term ‘honeymoon period’ was first coined in the context of measles (…). In this case, new susceptibility arrives from new births rather than waning of existing responses. 8/

Below shows hypothetical dynamics after vaccination introduced with 50%, 75%, 80% coverage among infants after 4 years... 9/

Examples of a post-vaccination honeymoon period were later observed in countries ranging from BNurundi, to Mongolia. 10/

Several European countries may well have had a COVID post-vaccination honeymoon period against Alpha in early summer 2021, with vaccination + post-infection immunity driving down R. But we never saw subsequent effect of any waning, because Delta came along first. 11/

So in summary, we shouldn’t assume that post-Omicron level of infection/disease is where things will stay for good. What’s more, above only focuses on waning immunity (& new births in the case of measles), and new variants also likely to shape future susceptibility to COVID. 12

@AdamJKucharski | Adam Kucharski | 20.02.2022

What an incredibly sad thing to see. What did we do wrong?

@VincentRK | Vincent Rajkumar | 17.02.2022

Oggi San Valentino – festa ufficiale dell’amore nell’Impero Americano –, domani altra ricorrenza. Non c’è giorno che non sia anniversario o celebrazione o ricordanza. Dateci almeno un solo giorno semplice, stupido, senza niente di appiccicato con la colla farlocca del web.

@pecoraro_fr | Francesco pecoraro | 14.02.2022

In Italia i modi e i toni della comunicazione intorno alla pandemia sono peggiorati. Ne avevo parlato in qualche occasione pubblica anche mesi fa, ma ora assistiamo ad un trinceramento sempre più polarizzato in opinioni preconcette e indipendenti da ogni contesto. 1/3

Purtroppo, dopo due anni, sia i leader politici che quelli scientifici continuano a ripetere gli stessi errori di comunicazione. Una discussione ottima del problema è riportata in questo pezzo che riporta quattro elementi cruciali da ricordare.

Quello che si rischia non e’ il danno all’immagine dei singoli scienziati o dei decisori ma un danno più profondo e difficilmente riparabile alla percezione del valore della scienza nella società. 3/3

@alexvespi | Alessandro Vespignani | 13.02.2022

Vivi e laschwa vivere l’hanno già detto?

@artibani1 | Francesco Artibani | 9.02.2022

like a cooking stone

@magnasciuttif | Fabio Magnasciutti | 8.02.2022

ON MISINFORMATION Here’s the thing. You cannot police it in a fair, reproducible & representative way. The reason being is the lines between misinformation and genuine uncertainty soon become blurred. Trust me, I tried. (ps. does this tweet count as misinformation)

@dnunan79 | David Nunan | 7.02.2022

Journalism pro-tip: When someone you’re interviewing tells you “I don’t know” or “I’m not the right person to ask that of,” find out what they are expert in. I always trust a person more when they are clear about the limitations of their expertise. No one knows everything.

@HelenBranswell | Helen Branswell | 5.02.2022