per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

There are 5 studies that show reduction of mortality for a 2nd booster (vs 1st booster), in people ranging from age 50+ to 80+, as I’ve tried to summarize here. All during Omicron and subvariants.

@EricTopol | Eric Topol | 28.07.2022

Un consiglio: se trovate un medico che vi consiglia di non vaccinarvi o di usare cure omeopatiche cambiate medico.

@DrMCecconi | Maurizio Cecconi | 27.07.2022

Il paziente è un soggetto che vuole essere pienamente informato sulle proprie condizioni di salute, sulle strategie diagnostico-terapeutiche disponibili e che deve poter scegliere autonomamente se e come curarsi. Marco Bo

@ilpunto_OMCeO | | 27.07.2022

Soccorriamo e accogliamo. Con dignità e umanità. La soluzione politica esiste. @maurobiani

@RescueMed | Mediterranea Saving Humans | 26.07.2022

Image fabrication is bad. But equally bad is the lack of willingness by scientific journals to seriously investigate these issues. Too many journal editors do not reply or are brushing away these concerns.

@MicrobiomDigest | Elisabeth Bik | 25.07.2022

“Global health security” kicks in only when rich nations feel threatened

@paimadhu | Madhu Pai | 23.07.2022

It’s almost like someone was wrong about opinion columns.

@ibogost | Ian Bogost | 21.07.2022

La crisi di governo spiegata bene. @maurobiani

@CucchiRiccardo | Riccardo Cucchi | 16.07.2022

If you get a chance this summer, try to find one of the 30 #AfterLife benches we’ve stuck around the country to encourage people to talk. #HopeIsEverything

@RickyGervais | Ricky Gervais | 15.07.2022

Parlare di competenze è rivoluzionario, dice @drsilenzi intervenendo nella riunione di Forward. Mette in discussione criteri e dimensioni della determinazione degli attori delle decisioni sanitarie.

@ForwardRPM | Progetto Forward | 7.07.2022

Welcome @KBibbinsDomingo as the 17th editor in chief of JAMA and the @JAMANetwork. Learn more about her and her vision for the 13 journals in her inaugural editorial.

@JAMA_Current | JAMA | 5.07.2022

Writing tip: No unnecessary words, active verb: Not “It is important to acknowledge that there are no consensus criteria for the diagnosis” but “There exist no consensus criteria for the diagnosis”

@GuyattGH | Gordon Guyatt | 5.07.2022

The more I look under the hood of medical science, the more convinced I become that it is incompatible with profit motive and politics. It’s sad. I wish I didn’t feel this way.

@drjohnm | John Mandrola | 4.07.2022

The reason you “cry” when chopping onions is actually very simple. As the blade slices the fibers of the onion, it reminds you of the transience and futility of existence.

@jameshamblin | James Hamblin | 27.07.2022

(Twitter knows that algorithmically generated trending topics make the world worse, and they have the resources to curate topics, but don’t want to because while they know it would increase the overall quality of human life, it would decrease engagement and therefore revenue.)

@johngreen | John Green | 16.07.2022

“Paracelse disait : toute médecine est amour. Disons aussi : tout amour est médecine.”

@edgarmorinparis | Edgar Morin | 7.07.2022

Writing the obituary of and with a friend as he is dying, a wholly enjoyable experience.

@richard56 | Richard Smith | 7.07.2022

many instances where not doing research=more unethical+dangerous than doing research. However ‘doing research’ can entail low value organisational work++making to easier not to bother. So harmful poor practice continues- until regulators catch up, often years of damage later

@mgtmccartney | Margaret McCartney | 1.07.2022

If you find yourself thinking that maybe the fascists wouldn’t be winning if it weren’t for those weird trans kids and those angry woke activists and those feminists who are always going too far.

That thought, right there, is the reason the fascists are winning.

@pennyred | Laurie Penny | 1.07.2022