per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

Tre femminicidi del 2023 sono avvenuti con armi da fuoco detenute legalmente. C’è una cultura da sradicare, ma in Italia avere un’arma è troppo facile, i controlli troppo labili.

@RetePaceDisarmo | Rete italiana pace e disarmo | 16.01.2023


@MauroBiani | Mauro Biani | 16.01.2023

Mi piace moltissimo il tono trionfalistico nell’aver arrestato uno che faceva il latitante da trent’anni a venti metri da casa sua. Che grande colpo.

@LucaBizzarri | Luca Bizzarri | 16.01.2023

Le doti intellettuali contano più di quelle fisiche? Parrebbe di sì, visto che a distanza di secoli tutti ricordiamo ancora il fine filosofo umanista Pico della Mirandola, e nessuno ha memoria di suo cugino, ai tempi noto per essere molto avvenente, Fico della Mirandola.

@MarcoStac | Marco Stacchiotti | 15.01.2023

Although this BigTech industry tried to make proprietary AI ethical, at the end only open sourced AI will survive in healthcare. Trust is the currency for interaction

@MedAIActivist | Bart de Witte | 15.01.2023

The planet will survive global warming It’s humankind that is in peril

@paimadhu | Madhu Pai | 12.01.2023

Quando mi metto a lavorare alle sei del mattino mi stupisco che la gente non mi risponda subito alle mail e ai messaggi whatsapp, come se fossi l’unico a lavorare, al mondo, invece sono sempre il solito disadattato che non si è ancora abituato, al fatto di essere un disadattato.

@paolonori | Paolo Nori | 12.01.2022

Potential date for patent expiry of major pharma drugs . Note pembrolizumab and nivo both loose patent by 2027-28 Generic may hit the market much before . From India. Good for patient from LMIC

@SuyogCancer | Amol Akhade | 11.01.2023

1/12 Some ideas about revising a book, all of which I promise you know you know but will be happier if you face:

2/12 Your manuscript isn’t really done yet, but it’s filled with good things. Another round will make the shapes, the continuity, the colors in language all sharper, clearer.

3/12 Which means sharper and clearer for your reader. Everything is for your reader. A good revision fixes typos and repetitions. A great revision sees the need for the changes you’re making and can name the benefits of the changes you’re making.

4/12 Analyze! Talk to yourself. “By cutting this paragraph, the idea moves faster and is stronger. By leaving it in I’m insisting that the reader enjoy being distracted as much as I was when I drafted this the first time.”

5/12 By the way, it’s OK to be distracted. OK to chase something that pops up in the course of your research. Sometimes that gives you a great side project (think: essay, lecture) or even the seed corn of your next big thing.

6/12 But you don’t want to include everything in what you’re putting in front of your reader. And shape portions. Be merciful with chapter length. Paragraph length, too. Oh, and semi-colons have specific and limited functions. Bad writing uses semi-colons like Crazy Glue.

7/12 Have an argument. An argument is a claim, but a claim that has consequences. Those consequences aren’t simply important enough to fill a book. They’re important enough to need a book.

8/12 And that’s the book you’re writing. Write to fill the needs of a reader. Of a reading community. (It’s OK to fill your own needs, too, but just be sure your reader comes first.)

9/12 So in revising you’re looking for your argument’s consequences and taking your reader with you. Make it easy – even irresistible – for your reader to move from chapter to chapter.

10/12 If your revision is much longer than the first version, you may have accidentally discovered that you have two great subjects. That can be a gift. Can you revise the new version into two projects, each of which will need revision attention?

11/12 Most revisions are shorter than the first working version. Some are just about as long, but with crucially different emphases, highlights, guideposts. You set aside what you don’t need. You lay out trails for your reader to follow. You promise, and then you deliver.

12/12 Whatever else you may be, you’re a writer. What better task for a new year than to spend your writing time on revision?

@WmGermano | William Germano | 8.01.2023

Few people actually click on links to scholarly articles from social media. The truth is, few people follow links at all. 100,000 impressions can translate into 1,000 or fewer clicks in my experience. Almost no one reads beyond the tweet.

@BenMazer | Benjamin Mazer | 8.01.2023

Why cycling is great for your legs, lungs, immune system and mind, plus 11 other great benefits of life on two wheels!

@OriginCycling | Origin Cycling | 7.01.2023

Il moralista dice di no agli altri, l’uomo morale solo a sé stesso. Pier Paolo Pasolini

@JamesLucasIT | James Lucas | 7.01.2023

How many books is too many books?

@NewYorker | The New Yorker | 7.01.2023

Ancora una volta assistiamo ad un problema comunicativo sulla pandemia. Quello che sta succedendo in Cina era un rischio ampiamente anticipato e prospettato da settimane (qui un paio di lavori ce ne sono altri)

@alexvespi | Alessandro Vespignani | 29.12.2022

Contro la guerra al plurale

@_Nico_Piro_ | Nico Piro | 2.01.2023