per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

Just out, led by Adam Khan, we assess risk, benefit and outcomes in one decade of Ramucirumab trials. The overall survival gain across this decade was 1.5 months The amount of harm to patients and misuse of participants is staggering.

@VPrasadMDMPH | Vinay Prasad | 3.05.2024

La mia nutrizionista, per il mio primo giorno di dieta, ha organizzato una fantastica caccia al tesoro tra gli scaffali della coop. Ho trovato tutto, tranne i wasa. @exfrancesina cosa ho vinto?

@dDinoPirri | Dino Pirri | 3.05.2024

Gold 2024.

@adamcifu | Adam Cifu | 3.05.2024

Non è che l’arte è di sinistra, è che racconta e vede altri mondi, non più fallibili della “conservazione” (economie, guerre, muri, “l’ineluttabilità” varia), partendo dalle storie delle persone. È inevitabilmente progressista, per fortuna.

@maurobiani | Mauro Biani | 3.05.2024

An important observation. The majority of *major* cardiology trials are under powered to sort signal from noise. Just as @f2harrell points out nearly every week. This is bad for our field.

@drjohnm | John Mandrola | 4.05.2024

Ever designed a CV trial and overestimated the event rate or effect size? You are not alone! Despite careful evaluation overestimation may occur. We analyzed data from 344 CV trials published @Jama @NEJM @thelancet

@antithrombotic | Christoph B. Olivier | 4.05.2024

It’s not complicated. The director of the World Food Program, Cindy McCain, says that parts of Gaza are experiencing a “full-blown famine” that is rapidly spreading. That is why students are protesting. That is why I voted against giving Netanyahu’s war machine any more U.S. aid.

@SenSanders | Bernie Sanders | 4.05.2024

For all the criticisms of GRADE as a tool to assess certainty in a body of evidence - which BTW is based on Bradford-Hill’s causality “criteria” - I’m yet to see clear alternatives from its detractors. Bradford-Hill was no slouch. You have to have good reasons to dismiss.

@dnunan79 | David Nunan | 4.05.2024

Il 12 aprile il governo tedesco aveva vietato l’ingresso in Germania al chirurgo Ghassan Abu Sitta, volontario MSF, rettore dell’università di Glasgow ecc. Oggi deve intervenire al Senato francese e scopre che glielo ha vietato in tutta la UE per 1 anno.

@CoyaudSylvie | Oca Sapiens | 4.05.2024

While the U.S. economy under Biden has improved, with GDP growth reaching 4.9% at the end of 2023, structural issues like weak labour laws and rising inequality persist. To ensure that growth is equitable and sustainable, we need a new approach to industrial policy.

@MazzucatoM | Mariana Mazzucato | 7.05.2024

I am disturbed & distressed by the renewed military activity in Rafah by the Israeli Defence Forces. I urge the Government of Israel to stop any escalation, and engage constructively in the ongoing diplomatic talks.

@antonioguterres | Antonio Guterres | 7.05.2024

Health Effects of Fossil Fuel–Derived Endocrine Disruptors

@pash22 | Ash Paul | 7.05.2024

Se tutti scrivono, nessuno potrà più leggere come semplice lettore che legge e basta, ma solo come preoccupato misuratore della scrittura altrui rispetto alla propria.

@pecoraro_fr | Francesco Pecoraro | 7.05.2024

ma poi, la cosa interessante che dimostra quanto bisognerebbe interessarsi all’incremento della cultura scientifica è che la domanda giusta riguardo lo studio è “come funziona” non “a che serve”.

@chiara_valerio | Chiara Valerio | 7.05.2024

Per 365 giorni consecutivi, la temperatura media degli oceani terrestri ha infranto i record precedenti. E non di poco.

@emmevilla | Matteo Villa | 8.05.2024

GPs look after illness. In my view, that’s an entirely good and very difficult role, worth the long training and high pay. The trouble starts when you relabel medicine as “healthcare”. That throws in a whole lot of other - mostly very simple - stuff, which doesn’t need GPs.

@RichardLehman1 | Richard Lehman | 12.05.2024

Time for us to reflect on whether general practice, predominately focused on series of short episodes of medicalised care, offered by GPs and nurses (no matter how brilliant they are), is the right model for modern healthcare?

@olliehart7 | Ollie Hart | 12.05.2024

“The genius of Munro, and the reason legions of her fans were overjoyed when she won the Nobel, is that she has not, as so many writers, artists, and other people have, been striving for greatness.”

@yalereview | The Yale Review | 15.05.2024

La Sugar tax funziona!

Introdotta in Messico nel 2014 ha portato ad una riduzione dei consumi di bevande zuccherate (il Messico ne consuma moltissime) E con i soldi della tassa? Finanziare programma di educazione alimentare e incentivare consumo cibo salutare

@AurelianoStingi | Aureliano Stingi | 15.05.2024

Fortunately we are all resistant to antibiotics - it’s the resistance of the pathogens we carry (and sometimes spread) that we need to worry about

@senseaboutsci | Sense about science | 16.05.2024

‘What happens if I do nothing?’ is an important component of secondary prevention conversations esp. those that focus on considerations of behaviour change (or not). The discrepancy between doing nothing and doing something can be highly motivational.

@alf_collins | Alf Collins | 16.05.2024

Pure Re Carlo si è spaventato quando ha visto il suo ritratto Forse perché a guardarlo si è ricordato del Tampongate?

@RivistaStudio | Rivista Studio | 16.05.2024