Un mese nei tweet

Sai quando indossi un pantalone comprato almeno 35 anni fa, a Via del Vantaggio, in un negozio che non esiste più da circa 25 anni, e quel pantalone presso di te è testimonianza e riprova che c’è stato un mondo prima di questo, dove tu eri vivo e facevi cose e compravi cose.

@pecoraro_fr | Francesco Pecoraro | 4.06.2024

We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell. We have control of the wheel. The 1.5 degree limit of global warming is still just about possible. But we need to fight harder. Now.

@antonioguterres | Antonio Guterres | 7.06.2024

[Palestinian women] reported that soldiers took degrading pics of them and put them online. Such photographs are a form of blackmail. One woman said the soldiers told her: “No one will marry you, no one will touch you after they see what we did to you.”

@tparsi | Trita Parsi | 10.06.2024

Life lessons from @rogerfederer (must watch)

1 Effortless is a myth

2 Belief in yourself has to be earned

3 Grit > Gift

4 Discipline is talent

5 Trust and loving the process is talent

6 You can do your best and still lose

7 Life is bigger than the court

@ValaAfshar | Vala Afshar | 10.06.2024

Observational studies are as useful at telling us a drug is effective as asking a kid’s mother is at telling us if the kid is smart.

@VPrasadMDMPH |Viany Prasad | 10.06.2024

Wouldn’t you think that the healthier and larger the population affected by an intervention, the more robust the evidence supporting the intervention should be?

@adamcifu | Adam Cifu | 13.06.2024

L’#Oms (Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità) lancia l’allarme: a #Gaza più di 8000 bambini di età inferiore ai 5 anni soffrono di malnutrizione acuta.

@cucchiRiccardo | Riccardo Cucchi | 16.06.2024

A Sant’Anna di Stazzema i nazifascisti uccisero 560 civili. Era il 12 agosto 1944. Ada Battistini, 13 anni, fu risparmiata da un giovane soldato tedesco che sparò a una pecora. Adesso Ada è morta. Moriranno tutti quelli che sanno. E sarà ancora più facile rimuovere, smemorare

@CarloVerdelli | Carlo Verdelli | 17.06.2024

@adamcifu kindly published my comment to the new but opposing recommendations on breast screening of women in their 40’s from @USPSTF and @cantaskforce. Progress in treatment deserve more praise for lower bc mortality in this group.

@KarstenJuhl | Karsten J. Jorgensen | 18.06.2024

@PedderSophie | Sophie Pedder | 18.06.2024

1988 Archibald (“Archie”) Cochrane d (b 12 Jan 1909) CBE. Father of evidence-based medicine. Lack of valid organized summaries of medical evidence resulted in his founding the UK Cochrane Centre Oxford 1992 & the International Cochrane Collaboration

2/His first randomised controlled trial was conducted when he was a German POW. His data persuaded the camp commandant to improve the prisoners’ diet. His 1972 book ‘Effectiveness & Efficiency’ is groundbreaking for promoting RCTs to assess health service interventions

3/Refs Cochrane AL BMJ 1984;289:1726-1727. Cochrane AL, Holland WW 1971. Validation of screening procedures. British Medical Bulletin 27 (1): 3–8.

@HOS_ASA | ASA History of Statistics Special Interest Group | 18.06.2024

Nature retracts highly cited 2002 paper that claimed adult stem cells could become any type of cell @ellie_kincaid writes @RetractionWatch “Verfaillie, agreed with the retraction. She now has four retractions, by our count”

@MicrobiomDigest | Elisabeth Bik | 19.06.2024

“‘Exhausting’: Author finds another’s name on an Elsevier book chapter she wrote”

@fake_journals | Publishing with Integrity | 22.06.2024


@maurobiani | 23.06.2024

Con la #farmaciadeiservizi sono state ampliate le prestazioni effettuabili in #farmacia. “In questo progetto mancano le basi della #medicna per come è articolato in #Piemonte”, ha commentato Guido Giustetto, presidente di #omceotorino. @reportrai3

@OmceoTO | OMCEO Torino | 25.06.2024

A strong health innovation system requires symbiotic public-private collaboration directed towards delivering #HealthforAll.

@MazzucatoM | Mariana Mazzucato | 25.06.2024


Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible.

After more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.

WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people’s right to know.

As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom. Julian’s freedom is our freedom.

@WikiLeaks | WikiLeaks | 25.06.2024

O mundo está um pouco melhor e menos injusto hoje. Julian Assange está livre depois de 1.901 dias preso. Sua libertação e retorno para casa, ainda que tardiamente, representam uma vitória democrática e da luta pela liberdade de imprensa.

@LulaOficial | Lula | 25.06.2024

«Montagne di cibo mediocre riempiono i carrelli dei frettolosi (ovvero di noi tutti). Non esiste etichetta che riporti il salario orario di chi ha curato o raccolto quel cibo» Michele Serra

@ilpost | Il Post | 25.06.2024

If you don’t want people to say you’re using language reminiscent of Hitler, don’t say that migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.”

@JamesSurowiecki | James Surowiecki | 25.06.2024

Mothers who received substantial monthly cash transfers as part of a study of low-income households spent more time and money on their children than those who didn’t

@Nature | Nature | 26.06.2024

The Supreme Court rejected a bankruptcy deal in which the owners of Purdue Pharma sought to contribute up to $6 billion in exchange for immunity from further lawsuits.

@statnews | Stat | 27.06.2024